Thursday, February 21, 2008

If you think podcasting is just for kids, you might be missing the next big thing - Washington Business Journal:

If you think podcasting is just for kids, you might be missing the next big thing - Washington Business Journal::

"Richard Harrington looks out on the small crowd of businesspeople sitting on red plastic chairs in RHED Pixel's Falls Church studios. Dressed in black, topped by a subtle black-and-white pinstriped velvet blazer and hoop earrings, he is the epitome of geek chic.

The audience has come to hear Harrington talk podcasting. These folks already are convinced there is something to podcasting, but they are trying to determine if it can help their businesses.

Harrington, an author and frequent presenter at technology conferences, has divined some of the answers through experience. His company has produced about 3,000 podcasts in the past two years, 'which has allowed us to do a lot of things wrong and then figure out what is right,' he says."

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